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With preeminent, unique and especially easy to use functions, Camera360 can quickly provide you with beautiful photos. However, maybe also this camera is proving that: more and more women increasingly lose confidence in themselves.

Most people, especially women always want to be perfect, featured in the photos publicly shared on the network. Previously, numerous girls would need to makeup carefully before taking one picture, but for now, Camera360 has replaced it almost absolutely. Just a phone with Camera360 and one lightly touch on the screen, anyone can become shimmering, smooth, fresh, from simple effects: smoothing, lipstick ... to more complex effects such as nose elevation, chin correction, ... Currently, walking around some social network as facebook, instagram, zalo, we can easily realize that most of the photos posted via smartphone are captured with picture editing apps. Few people realize that the dependence and abuse image editing softwares has made the girls become increasingly lack of confidence. Many women after taking the photos from Camera360 has not dared to take normal pictures again because they are so obsessed with thought that "I'm so ugly". The photos without editing app are often visible facial defects and as a result, leading to the unavoidable consequence is everyone easily feels so inferio and deviant when comparing with the pictures through Camera360. Many girls gradually become "strange" to themselves while looking at truly "Rustic" snapshots. Eventually, Camera360 makes women no longer dare to take pictures normally, not through editing. Thus, the initial feeling of using this app is excitement; however, little by little it becomes dependent and makes you lose confidence in your own true beauty.

Using technology in a modern life as today is absolutely normal and we can not deny extremely useful effects that they bring to people. Camera360 is a very smart, effective app, it brings interesting, miraculous surprises. Nevertheless, we should know how to balance the use of Camera360 and avoid abuse it. Always remember that the purpose of taking nice, lovely pictures is to share with friends, to keep the memorable moments. Do not lose confidence in yourself because of that virtual beauty. Everyone has a particular beauty to proud of and others love you due to your own distinctions. Occasionally, try to put Camera360 aside, take snapshots with your original face then contemplate them and ask yourself “what is that?”.

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